Keys To A Successful Meeting
By Austin Mobley

Some think the day of successful gospel meetings are over, but this is not so. To question their potential is to question the power of the gospel (Rom. 1:16). The gospel is still the same as it was in the first century and gospel preachers of outstanding ability are still proclaiming it.

Our gospel meeting with Micky Galloway of Lancaster, CA, is to begin April 3rd and every member of the Knollwood congregation should be vitally interested in it. Churches often neglect their responsibility for the success of gospel meetings while placing the emphasis on the preacher. True, his work is indispensable, but it will be greatly diminished if we fail to do our part. Several key factors contribute to a successful meeting. They are...

PURPOSE. We have gospel meetings to save the lost, alien and erring. When truth is preached, men will become Christians (Acts 11:26). The local church can be strengthened and "fired up" to greater service. We become lax and even drift into lukewarmness; hence, need to be "revived." Another purpose of gospel meetings is to honor and glorify God Almighty, and to present His Son as the Savior of the world. Also, His word is exalted as the only guide from earth to heaven. Of course, all our meetings have these objectives, but efforts will be intensified the week of April 3-8.

PREPARATION. In many instances the preacher is blamed when there are no additions in gospel meetings, when the church has made no preparations for the meeting except to announce it from the pulpit and in their bulletin. One preacher tells about reporting for a meeting where the church had forgotten they had it scheduled! Each member of this congregation must first prepare his heart, see the need for the meeting and desire to have a successful one. It is difficult to want a thing and then be indifferent toward it. Often a meeting is "killed" by the very people who sponsor it because of lack of interest, enthusiasm, and participation.

PRESENCE. No meeting will be successful if members do not attend regularly. Our presence is essential, not only because of the benefits we derive ourselves, but also because of the encouragement it gives to others, members and non-members. Each of us should have already resolved to attend every service. Allow no school work, appointments, visits, etc. to interfere. Nothing is more discouraging than a meeting which is not attended by those responsible.

PROSPECTS. Before Paul held a successful meeting in Corinth, God spoke to him in a vision and said, "I have much people in this city" (Acts 18:10). How many good prospects does God have in Beavercreek, Xenia, Dayton, Fairborn, Franklin, Riverside, Springfield, Kettering, Miamisburg, Centerville, Troy, and Brookville? Every time a prospect hears the gospel, there is a possibility of doing good. In 1958, one of the members of the 77th Street church in Birmingham, Alabama, asked if a little girl in the community could attend services with them. The little girl did attend, and after quite some time, her mother learned the truth and obeyed the gospel. Next her brother was baptized; then her father, then some neighbors, an aunt, and the chain continued until the 13th and 14th were baptized, primarily as a result of this early contact. The little girl is now a Christian too. Giant oaks do from little acorns grow! Is there a little girl (or boy) in your community whom you could invite to our meeting? Prospects are everywhere but they must be contacted and invited before they will come. Invite the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker. Set a goal of trying hard to lead at least one soul to Christ during the meeting.

PARTICIPATION. Each member should take an active part in every service (John 4:24). Sit as close to the front as possible, and leave back seats for visitors and latecomers. Sing in a spirited manner (1 Cor. 14:15). Don't put the song book down until the last note of the invitation hymn has been sounded. Pray with those who lead, and give a hearty "Amen" to the prayer. Pray for the preacher and the lost. Pray as if everything depended upon God, and work as if everything depended on you! Give undivided attention to the lessons. Take notes and bring your Bible. Encourage your children to listen to the sermons. Be friendly to each visitor to our meeting.

If each member of the Knollwood church will approach this meeting with the right attitude and a full measure of purpose, preparation, presence, and participation, we will have a successful meeting.

- slightly edited