NASA Spots 54 Likely Life-friendly Planets
By Heath Rogers

This was the title of an AP article that appeared in the February 3, 2011, issue of the Dayton Daily News. The article stated that the Kepler telescope had "discovered 1,235 possible planets outside our solar system. Amazingly, 54 of them are seemingly in the zone that could be hospitable to life - that is, not too hot or too cold." The article went on to assert that this "is exciting to astronomers, since the more planets there are, the greater the odds that life exists elsewhere in the universe."

One may ask why this discovery is so exciting to astronomers. Christians need to understand that modern naturalistic science is not an honest endeavor to discover fact, but a desperate attempt to prove that God does not exist. Evolution is the best argument that they have in their favor. After searching in the dirt for over a hundred years looking for missing links in the fossil record, they have now turned their attention to the stars. If it can be proven that life exists on another planet, then in their minds evolution will be established as a fact and all of us "believers" will be proven to be wrong.

These scientists are so confident in the certainty of evolution that they believe the building-blocks of life are like soup mix - as long as a planet or moon has liquid water, then there is a possibility (or better stated - certainty) that it is inhabited by life! That is why there is all the excitement over this recent discovery.

To its credit, the article went on to say, "After that, it's another big step in proving that a confirmed planet has some of the basic conditions needed to support life, such as the proper size, composition, temperature and distance from its star... Just because a planet is in the habital zone doesn't mean it has life."

To that I would say a resounding "Amen!" I have no doubt that there are billions of planets in the universe, each of them orbiting a star as do the eight planets in our own solar system. Many of them may be the size of the Earth and may orbit in the "habital zone" around their star, but that is not evidence that life exists on those planets, which means that there is still no evidence that evolution ever took place on this planet, which means I have no reason to stop believing in and serving God.

While these scientists are busying searching the skies for possibilities of alien life, they overlook the obvious fact that "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork" (Psalm 19:1).

"The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God'" (Psalm 14:1). When one sets out to prove that God does not exist, he cannot help but overlook the evidence of His existence.