God's Word
by Keith Greer

In discussing any religious subject, both parties must agree on one point-God's word is the final say in all spiritual matters. Allow me to present some of the reasons why this is so.

It Is Divinely Inspired. Every word came from God's mind. The Bible did not come from the minds of men.

It Is Pure. There are no blemishes on the record. Following its teaching causes us to live pure lives.

It Has Supreme Authority. There is no other authority in spiritual matters. Nothing supersedes the authority of the Scriptures.

It Has Perfect Unity. God's word tells one complete story. It agrees from beginning to end. There are no contradictions; among the writers, there is perfect harmony.

It Is Permanent. God's word will never be destroyed. When this world is on fire, it will remain.

The word is powerful enough to accomplish what God said it would. No book is its equal, and no book has done more to change men's lives. It's been the number-ONE seller for over 150 years, and it is translated into more languages than any other book. Quite a book!