Nine Sins That Crucified Christ
By Keith Greer

What led to the death of Christ on that cruel cross of Calvary? I believe NINE SINS caused our Lord to be crucified.

COWARDICE. Pilate knew He was innocent, but gave he in to the mob. Read Matthew 27:19-26.

RELIGIOUS PREJUDICE. The Jews were envious, and the majority rejected His claims of Deity and being sent from the Father. Why? He did not offer them what they wanted- return to former glory. Read John 5:16-18.

UNTRUTHFULNESS. When He was tried, they falsely accused Him. Even the paid false witnesses did not agree. Please read Matthew 26:60,61 and Mark 14:55,56.

COVETOUSNESS. Judas, one of His beloved disciples, betrayed Him for thirty pieces of silver. Read Matthew 26:14-16.

INDIFFERENCE. Roman soldiers were just carrying out their duties. See Matthew 27:35,36. Herod just wanted to see a miracle; he was not concerned for His plight and the injustice from His enemies. Read Luke 23:7-11.

FICKLENESS. The multitudes, cheered a few days before (Matthew 21:1-9). Now they want His blood, to set a murderer free and crucify an innocent man! Read Matthew 27:23-25.

IGNORANCE. The people (Luke 23:34), the soldiers (Matthew 27:54), and even those who were His enemies. Ignorance has always hurt God's people. (Hosea 4:6)

ENVY. The Jewish rulers of the day were envious of the respect and the confidence the people had in Him. (Matthew 27:17,18) His work was looked upon as a threat to their positions of authority and leadership. (Luke 13:17)

DESPISING GOOD. When He healed the blind man, they despised Him for it. (John 9:22-41) When He cast demons out of the possessed, they hated Him for it. (Mark 3:21,22) All Jesus did was to go about doing good, but they wanted no part of Him. (Acts 10:38) Plainly stated, Jesus was crucified for our sins and because of the sins of men. The cross is living testimony of God's hatred for sin! These sins caused our Lord's suffering on that bitter tree for you and me. Sadly, these sins are still crucifying Him today!!