Is Guilt Bad?
By Keith Greer

"There is no soundness in my flesh because of Your anger, nor any health in my bones because of my sin. For my iniquities have gone over my head; like a heavy burden they are too heavy for me. My wounds are foul and festering because of my foolishness. I am troubled, I am bowed down greatly; I go mourning all the day long. For my loins are full of inflammation, and there is no soundness in my flesh. I am feeble and severely broken; I groan because of the turmoil of my heart." {Psalm 33:3-8}

The Psalmist is expressing the guilt he is experiencing as the result of his sins. Bad conduct and rebellion against God's will is sin. If a person's heart is tender, it causes his conscience to be overridden with guilt. Such feelings can bring true repentance. "For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death." {2 Corinthians 7:10}

The society in which we live seeks, by every possible means, to free its members of personal accountability and guilt. How? By telling us that nothing is our fault and that nothing is strictly forbidden. Below are a couple examples of the tools used to convince the masses that these untrue statements are actually true.

Religious Leaders. Robert Schuller, the minister of the Crystal Cathedral, made this statement in an article he wrote in the March 1985 issue of Time magazine: "I don't think anything has been done in the name of Christianity that is proven more destructive of human personality and hence, counterproductive for the evangelism enterprise than the often crude, uncouth and unchristian strategy of attempting to make people aware of their lost and sinful condition."

Books. A book written by Neale Walsch, and presently on the Best Seller List, is entitled, Conversations With God. Oprah Winfrey and James Dobson are promoting this book. In it, the author purports to answer, as God would, certain questions that one might ask in differing life situations. Here is a sampling from the book: "Another girl poses the question, 'I am living with my boyfriend. My parents say that I should marry him because I am living in sin. Should I marry him?'" The reply is, "Who are you sinning against? Not me, because you have done nothing wrong."

Can you see what the world wants to do about guilt? They want to remove it! I've given only a couple of examples from hundreds I could offer. Please read the account in Acts 2. When the Jews were charged with the murder of God's Son, what did they do? "...they were cut to the heart and said..., men and brethren what shall we do?" (Acts 2:37) What convicted them of their sin? The preaching of truth that was aimed at their hearts. In this way, sinners are brought to an understanding of their need for Christ's saving blood. A person will not repent until his conscience feels the pangs of guilt. Guilt is good when it brings about change; it aids in the creation of a relationship with God. Don't be fooled by the so-called scholars and free thinkers of our day. Sin must produce guilt before one can be saved.