Numbers to Phone for Help
Copied and Edited by Keith Greer


Your faith needs stimulationphone Hebrews 11
You are alone and scaredphone Psalm 23
You are worriedphone Matthew 8:19-34
You are critically hurtphone Hebrews 13:5,6
You're wondering about Christianityphone 2 Corinthians 5:15-18
You feel like an outcastphone Romans 8:31-39
You are seeking peacephone Matthew 11:25-30
It feels as if the world is bigger than Godphone Psalm 90
You need Christ- like insurancephone Romans 8:1-30
You are leaving home for a tripphone Psalm 121
You are praying for yourselfphone Psalm 87
You require courage to accomplish a taskphone Joshua 1
Inflation and investments are hogging your thoughtsphone Mark 10:1
You are depressedphone Psalm 27
Your bank account is emptyphone Psalm 37
You lose faith in mankindphone 1 Corinthians 13
It appears that people are unfriendlyphone John 15
You are losing hopephone Psalm 126
You feel like the world is small compared to youphone Psalm 19
You want to bear fruitphone John 15
Paul's secret to happinessphone Colossians 3:12-17
Big opportunity/discoveryphone Isaiah 55
To get along with other peoplephone Romans 12
Alternate Numbers
For dealing with fearcall Psalm 47
For securitycall Psalm 121:3
For assurancecall Mark 8:35
For reassurancecall Psalm 145:18

You may phone these numbers directly.
Operator assistance is unnecessary.
All lines to heaven are open and available 24 hours a da
If you feed your faith, doubt will starve to death.