I Am Weak - He Is Strong
By Steve Niemeier

Jesus offers all that man needs. We could stop there, but many are unwilling to accept that fact. We look for strength in strange places---alcohol, tobacco, narcotics, pornography, fornication, man-made doctrines, and the list can go on and on. Yet, no matter how long the list is, the fact remains the same--Jesus offers everything that man needs. It is plain and simple, no matter how complex we might try to make it.

Jesus came to this earth to do His Father's will (Matthew 6:38), as well as to fulfill the Old Covenant (Matthew 5: 17-18). He also came to fulfill prophecy (Isaiah 7:14; 53:4-7) and to establish His kingdom (John 18:37). He came to save sinners (Luke 5:32; 19:10) and to leave us a perfect/complete example to follow (Colossians 2:9-10). We should be so thankful that He came to this earth for us (Philippians 2:6-8), for we are weak but He is strong.

God sent His Son to this earth with an offer for everyone (John 3:16) and an invitation for everyone to accept His offer (Matthew 11:28- 30). Jesus offers salvation (Mark 16:15-16), eternal life (John 14:6), love beyond compare (Romans 8:31-39), peace such as we could never have imagined (John 14:27), and beyond the grave, hope that can overcome all obstacles here on earth (Hebrews 6:18-20). Yes, He came because we are weak and He is strong.

He offers so much, and He is available for all to come to Him (John 5:40). If we are willing to recognize our weaknesses and humble ourselves before Him, we will find ourselves renewed. He is so strong that He offers those who obey Him a new relationship (Galatians 3:26-27), a new name (Acts 11:26; 26:28), a new interest (Ephesians 4:1; Matthew 6:33), a new attitude (Galatians 5:22-24), a great responsibility (1 Corinthians 10:31), and once again, a new hope (Romans 8:24-25). We can be new creatures in Christ, new creatures that gain strength from the One who is so strong, while we are so weak.

Yes, Jesus the Christ is strong, and we are weak. We can do all things through Him because of the strength He has and is willing to give (Philippians 4:13). Yet, He will give His strength only to those who desire it (James 4:10), those who seek it (Hebrews 4:14-16), those who have faith in Him (John 6:35), those who obey His directions (1 John 1:7), those who retain His type of attitude (Philippians 2:5), and those who will not turn away from Him (John 6:66-69). We can all gain strength from Him, strength that we need to face this life's issues, strength to guide us over the valley of the shadow of death into His loving arms. Oh we are so weak, and He is so strong!

He knew of our weakness and our need for the strength He could offer. In John 17:20-26, He prayed for our strength. He also prayed that we would be united with Him and His Father. He knew that we would face trials and tribulations, because He faced trials and tribulations (Hebrews 2:17-18; 4:15). He overcame them so we could look to Him for an example of how we can prevail. We need this strength because we are weak.

We can do all things through Christ because He is the one who strengthens us. Oh, that we would yield ourselves to Him so we, like Him, can be strong. When will we learn this? When will we stop looking elsewhere for strength? When will His Father tire of our looking somewhere other than to His Son whom He gave so we could be strong?