Could the Tsunami Have been Prevented?
By Jim Lee

We have just witnessed one of the greatest natural tragedies known to man--the devastating tsunami that struck eleven countries and caused the deaths of more than 150,000. The faces of the dazed adults and orphaned children will forever be etched on our minds.

Could such a tragedy have been prevented? Our scientists say no. Our geologists say no. Our meteorologists say no. Our climatologists say no, there's no way to tell without a warning device.

I am concerned about the whereabouts of the so-called "prophets" of our day. Why weren't they informing the national leaders of the countries that would be devastated by the impending tragedy? Why weren't they warning our scientists, geologists, meteorologists and climatologists?

Isn't the prophet responsible for "blowing the trumpet of approaching danger"? See Ezekiel 3:33; Amos 4:12; Deuteronomy 18:18-22.

Did Oral Roberts, Benny Hinn, or T.D. Jakes warn us? Where were Paul and Jan Crouch's Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN)? They broadcast 24 hours a day, to almost the entire world, and yet, we heard not a word of warning.

Don't you think that our religious world should be questioning its "prophets"? We often hear televangelists say that God spoke to them, especially when they need money, and told them to do this or that. But for some reason, none of these prophets said a word regarding the approaching tsunami. I ask why?

Isn't this an obvious indication that there are no modern-day prophets? Doesn't this prove Paul's 1 Corinthians 13:8 revelation--"prophecies will fail"?

Could there have been a greater opportunity for them to manifest their divine powers, than to have given the world the dire warning of the impending tsunami? But they remained silent.

Notice the difference between a true prophet of God, and a so-called prophet of God. I'm reminded of a particular New Testament event, when God's prophets came from Jerusalem to Antioch. Agabus, with the Holy Spirit's help, gave advance warning of a great dearth/famine that would have an impact throughout the world. Agabus spoke a true prophecy that actually came to pass (Acts 11:28-30).

We can learn some important lessons from all that has happened. I would hope that mankind now realizes that in a fraction of a second, multiplied thousands can be hurled into eternity unprepared to meet their God.

I would also hope that the religious world would awaken and realize that their "prophets" have let them down, and that they would have a greater desire to seek the Lord while He may be found (Isaiah 55:6). The world needs to repent and turn to God before Christ returns (Luke 13:3).

I wish mankind could learn one last lesson from this tragedy--the recent tsunami pales in comparison to the wrath of Almighty God (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9).

Let's remember to "try the spirits whether they are of God, for many (emp. mine) false prophets have gone out into the world." (1 John 4:1) Amos warned Israel "prepare to meet thy God." of God's wrath to come (Amos 4:12). Let us do likewise.