Do-It-Yourself Messiah
By Larry Curry

In a community where I once lived and preached, each December various civic groups and churches present a performance of Handel's Messiah, a traditional part of the religious celebration of Christmas for many people. All area churches were informed of the opportunity for their members to be involved. While a spirit of cooperation prevailed, and the proceeds went toward a charitable cause, the real issue was one of authority from God. Has God revealed in His word what, if any, celebrations He desires concerning the birth of Jesus Christ? The New Testament says nothing whatsoever about the holiday we know as Christmas. Its origin is in the minds of men who have developed many things that became traditions. Most people who celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday never pause to question its origin. Since that time of the year has once again arrived, I believe it would be profitable to remind ourselves of what the Bible says regarding this subject.

As I considered the title of the production, it occurred to me that man has created his own Messiah. Not being content with the truth God revealed in the Bible, man has fashioned his "own" God. Most of what passes for preaching today is little more than a collection of anecdotes, jokes, and humorous stories. Little attention is given to God's Word. This same kind of preaching is also infecting the Lord's church. We have God's word today, and it is available, recognizable, and rational. Only by knowing and obeying it can we be saved (John 8:32). God expresses His will today, through Jesus Christ, in what we know as the New Testament (Hebrews 1:1). God, the Father, has given all authority to Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18). Please consider with me some of the man-made changes concerning God.

1. Men and women give only lip service to God's word. They do what they believe to be right, for a variety of reasons. Some in Jesus' day, as well as some in our day, sought to impress others (Matthew 23:27,28). Without knowing another's heart, we can detect this kind of person only by inspecting the fruit produced by his labors (Matthew 7:20).

Others simply act out of ignorance, blindly following someone else (Matthew 15:14). Still others are sincerely convicted (Acts 26:9). What really matters is whether we are obeying God (Matthew 7:21-23). Giving lip service to God's word is not enough. We must be able to cite the Bible passage, or passages, that authorize us to act in a certain way (Colossians 3:17; 1 Peter 3:15; 4:11). Where in the New Testament are we told to celebrate Christ's birth? There is not even a hint of authorization for this celebration. However, we are told to remember His death each Sunday by observing the Lord's Supper (Matthew 26:26-29; 1 Corinthians 11:23-27; Acts 20:7). Ironically, the same people who go to great lengths to celebrate His birth are the ones who fail to observe the Lord's Supper each first day of the week. We truly honor Jesus by obeying Him (John 14:15). Think about it!

2. Many just cast God's word aside. It is a well-known fact, based on human experience, as well as the teaching of the Scriptures, that the wicked hate discipline (Psalm 50:17). God has always allowed men to go their own ways, but not without severe consequences (Genesis 6:5; Acts 14:16; Romans 1:20,21, 32). On the other hand, the righteous desire to know God's will in order to be pleasing to Him (Psalm 19:7-14; Romans 3:19-21). Therefore, it is proper that we ask the question: Is the celebration of Christ's birth a matter of obeying God, or is it human tradition? To think that it doesn't matter is to be deceived as Eve was in the Garden of Eden.

The Devil convinced Eve that God did not mean what He said about the fruits of the garden, and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:1-6). Such deception continues today. Men say that salvation is a matter of faith only, but God's word says, "You see that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only." (James 2:24) Who should we believe? Men say that baptism is not essential to salvation, but God's word says, "Repent and be baptized for the remission of sins." (Acts 2:38) Too many people are willing to reject the plain teaching of God's word in favor of the teaching of a man, or group of men.

3. In an effort to escape the guilt that arises from disobeying God's word, many attempt to redefine sin. One of man's defense mechanisms to avoid feeling guilty is redefining his sin. By doing so, he can reason that it wasn't actually wrong; and therefore, he need feel no guilt. The result is that men declare to be good some things that God, in His word, has called evil (Isaiah 5:20). Such has always been the work of those who seek to undermine God's efforts to save man by forgiving his sins. God defines sin for us, and even gives us lists of specific sins (1 John 3:4; Galatians 5:19-21). Though we could give other references in God's word, it is clear that God has defined sin.

  • Man's redefinition can be seen in the efforts of many today to justify such sins as homosexuality. In spite of the clarity of God's word about homosexuality, men give it a new definition--an alternate life style (Romans 1:26,27). Some have gone so far as to begin churches where homosexuals can attend without feeling guilty.
  • Instead of saying someone lied, we say they were just being disingenuous. God says lying is sin, but men say the circumstances determine whether a thing is true (Revelation 21:8).
  • Adultery is now referred to as "having an affair." The Bible still condemns it (1 Corinthians 6:9).
  • Alcoholism is labeled as "disease," so people place it in the same category as the measles, cancer, chickenpox, etc. Once you accept that idea, you are ready to believe you're a "victim," not a person who made a conscious decision to drink. The Bible condemns the use of alcoholic beverages (1 Peter 4:3). See how easy it is to be rid of guilt. The Gospel is designed to make us aware of our guilt and motivate us to seek God's forgiveness through obedience.

4. It follows logically that judgment day is not seen as a time to expect condemnation. The Psalmist wrote of a wicked man who acted as if God didn't know he had sinned (Psalm 73:11). It is as if there is nothing about which to be concerned. So many continue to sin willfully, giving no thought to ever receiving punishment. God will one day call on all men to give account of their lives and to answer for everything they have done (2 Corinthians 5:10; Hebrews 9:27). Some will escape punishment from the courts of the land, but they will answer to God.

To the scoffers of his day who asked why God delayed his coming, Peter answered by telling them of God's longsuffering due to His desire "that all men would come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9). Sin is a serious matter; "the wages of sin is death." (Romans 6:23) Even some religious people will be punished for failure to have God's authority for what they did (Matthew 7:21-23). Can we not see that we must heed the warnings given in God's word and be sure we serve Him from the heart, according to His will?

In summary, let me say that these are important matters to consider. The wicked always act as if a judgment day will never come. The ancient Egyptians thought they would not have to answer to anyone. To the message God delivered through Moses (Exodus 5:2), Pharaoh responded with the question "Who is the Lord?" He did not feel duty-bound to obey God. Although many never say it in so many words, their attitudes speak for them. Please do not wait until the judgment day to find out who God is and whether you have acted within His authority (Matthew 7:21-23). It will be too late then. We must respect God's word, and make sure that we have the right to believe and teach what we do. Do not forget the mistake made by Israel in believing God was like them (Psalm 50:16-23). It was a fatal mistake that they, as a nation, made. Only those who remembered God's true nature and power were saved. Once we stand before God in judgment, there will be no opportunity to correct our wrongs (Matthew 7:21-23). We must take advantage of our opportunities while we live on the earth. Think about it.

Brother Curry did an excellent job of discussing a real problem in the religious world. So many today desire to serve God according to their own desires, giving little or no consideration to what the bible says. Let me mention another area-WORSHIP--where men have sought to change God's mind.

"But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." {John 4:23,24} Do we come to worship God or ourselves? Many today lament, "the worship is too boring; it doesn't do anything for me." Sadly, I've actually heard some of my own brethren make such statements. My question is simple-what did you put into the worship service? Why did you come-to show glory, respect, reverence, and pay homage to God, or to be entertained? Unfortunately, the mindset of our religious friends has taken hold of some of the brethren. How so? Some brethren believe worship is to entertain them! The singing must be "spiced up" by instrumental accompaniment. The preacher must hold our attention with funny stories, lengthy illustrations, little scripture, and preaching that does not offend. Sermons that require very little commitment from the listeners are the order of the day. Why are we surprised when our children see little need for God in their lives-they see and recognize hypocrisy better than we do!

When there are questions regarding why we do certain things during the worship service, the answer comes-"we do many things for which we have no authority." Why not supply the passages that authorize our practices? I have no problem when someone asks me why we sing, pray, take the Lord Supper, and teach only God's word. People fashion worship services that please themselves and have forgotten about pleasing God. (KMG)