Bible Authority -- Making Application
by Keith Greer

With this issue, we close our special series on Bible Authority. Thus far, we have discussed a variety of different aspects of Bible authority: General and Specific Authority; Commands, Examples, and Necessary Inferences; Silence of the Scriptures; We Can Know Truth; Sufficiency of God's Word; Inspiration of the Scriptures; Teachings of Christ; Expediencies and Additions; The Need for Authority. Whatever our differences among brethren, or with those in the religious world, they always boil down to the subject of Bible Authority!

Now that we have examined what the Bible says about authority -- how does it work? How do we properly apply these truths as we live our lives and serve and worship God? This is where the real problems begin. In this final issue, we will discuss how to make proper application as we practice and teach God's word. What is the best approach?

First, we focus on disagreements among our own brethren. Why are we divided on such things as: Fellowship Halls (potlucks, showers, parties in the building); Orphan Homes; Missionary Societies; Sponsoring Churches; Instrumental Music; Use of the Lord's Treasury; Herald of Truth; Bible Colleges (supported from the Lord's treasury). It all comes down to whether or not there is scripture to support these practices. Let me begin by stating one simple truth -- two can be wrong, but both cannot be right!

To examine these practices, I have invited three other gospel preachers to give their exegeses on three Bible passages. Brother Micky Galloway will deal with Galatians 6:10. Brother Joe Price will deal with Jude 12. Brother Randy Blackaby will deal with 2 Corinthians 9:13. I will conclude this study with an examination of James 1:27. Why these passages? These are the main passages used in attempting to justify the practices over which we are divided. Please read these articles with open Bibles and open minds. Examine them prayerfully and soberly.

Second, we are going to use charts to drive home the points over which we are divided. This is not a preacher's fuss. I am including charts on various elements of things that have divided us over the years. These charts are not all original. I have looked at different debate charts from A.C. Grider; Ferrell Jenkins; Tom O'Neal, and other preachers. I will make some comments, but ask that you go back to the other issues to examine how these truths can be understood in light of the Bible's teaching concerning authority. Hopefully, this will make it much easier and clearer for our readers to make proper application on this vital subject.

Never forget, God is the source of all authority in matters of religion. We must have a "thus saith the Lord" and "book, chapter, and verse" for all we do in His name.