Does Jesus Care and Understand?
By Keith Greer

When my nights are longer than my days? -- Matthew 8:20

When one of my brethren has been unkind and spoken to me harshly? -- Matthew 26:69-75

That I try each day to be faithful, but find myself falling short? -- 1 John 1:9

When my attempts to convert my neighbors are unsuccessful? -- 1 Corinthians 3:6-8

When I struggle with personal sins, and I want to stop, but I keep falling back into them? -- Philippians 4:13

When I forget to be as thankful as I should? -- Matthew 6:8

When my heart is broken because I've lost someone I love? -- John 11:35

When those I think to be my friends desert me during the times I need them most? -- Matthew 26:56

When things I do to help others are twisted around to discredit me? -- John 9:29

When I find myself questioning things that happen in life and feeling sorry for myself? -- 1 Kings 19:10-18

When I succumb to sins that, with my knowledge, I know I should not commit? -- Galatians 2:11-14

One of the things we do very easily is forget about God's constant care and concern for us. Often, things don't turn out the way we plan. Other times, we leave undone the things that we should have done. At one time or another, we all feel sorry for ourselves. I remember a fallen Christian who said "It's hard to pray to someone you can't see." But, if we look closely at our surroundings, we see God's presence everywhere. "So that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us." (Acts 17:27) We must believe that God is always near, and completely trust Him with our lives.

Reading the book of Job always impresses upon me the terrible things that can happen to us simply because we live here on earth. Life on earth is a package deal--we get the good along with the bad. Misfortunes, suffering, difficulty, and adversity are bound to come; and so are good times. What comes, whether good or bad, is not nearly so important as how we handle it when it comes. We cannot avoid adversity; we must face it, overcome it, and allow it to make us stronger. We don't enjoy being ill, suffering, pain, loss, and other setbacks, but we can take great comfort in knowing that God is always there for us through the difficult times, and through the good times. Think how pointless life would be without Him.