Destroying From Within
By Keith Greer

Today, in most parts of our country, the church seems to be in a decline. I'm told the average size of today's conservative church is about 50. Many of our young people are taking to the world instead of the Lord's church. In many places, members are leaving to place membership in churches started by men. What is going on?

Over the past few years, many elders, preachers, and concerned Christians have asked this question. While many have opinions about the cause of these alarming problems, maybe we are looking at the symptoms instead of the real problem. So many times in the Lord's church, we don't seem to come to terms with the problem; we attack the symptoms. From my viewpoint, that is exactly what we are doing with regard to the problems mentioned earlier. How so? Allow me to explain.

One problem that seems to plague us is the constant coming up with "new things" to divide us. Look at some of the "issues" over which we are currently divided: Sunday Night Lord's Supper; Romans 14 & Fellowship; Deity & Humanity of Christ; Worldliness; Creation. Some may be aware of something I'm not, but should these be causing problems? How many times does the Bible tell us we can serve the Lord's Supper on the Lord's Day? Can we fellowship a brother who is teaching and encouraging people to commit sin? Does the Bible clearly tell us that, while Christ was on earth, He was both Deity and flesh? Does God's word plainly teach us that we cannot act like the world, in word or in conduct? Does the Bible teach that God created the world in six days (day--night, 24 hours per day)?

I know many other things could be said about these subjects. This article is not to further debate these topics. What I want us to do is take a look at our attitudes regarding these kinds of disagreements. From this preacher's vantage point, it appears that some are just trying to "keep a fight brewing." What I have personally witnessed during the past few years is a sad commentary on Paul's teaching in Ephesians 4:15. Do some preachers lurk over their computers searching for some statement that could be turned into the next "controversy?" Some preachers would do the cause of Christ a service by selling their computers! Are we interested in winning the world for Christ or in making a name for ourselves? All I'm asking for is an honest examination of the attitudes behind our motives. Are we trying to broaden the boarders of God's kingdom or our name recognition?