Standing on the Promises
By Keith Greer

As Christians, one of the most comforting blessings we have is the total confidence we have in God (2 Timothy 1:12). Even as well meaning and thoughtful as my Christian friends are, they are still limited in what they can fulfill, no matter how much they would really like to help me. Yet, God can be counted on to always be there when we need Him. His promises will all be kept, and you can know He will keep His word. Let us take a closer look at some of these promises and the peace they can bring us in this life, if we trust Him.

"...For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5)

What a comfort to know that God is always near if we do not forsake Him. In a life where there are few people that we can put our confidence in, we can always have total trust in God. He is never on vacation, never too busy, never asleep, and there is never an inconvenient time. He is always willing to listen and help. (Philippians 4:6)

"Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7)

When I've lost those closest to me in life, and my heart is deeply grieved--HE CARES.

When friends persecute me, cast a stumbling block before me, and tear down insteading of "building up"--HE CARES.

When I stumble and fall, when I did not live up to my responsibilities but prayed for the strength to get up and try again--HE CARES.

When there is pain, anguish, or tribulation in this life, it is most reassuring to know that God understands and cares enough to help. DO YOU HAVE SUCH A FRIEND?

"For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more." (Hebrews 8:12)

Sometimes we begin to feel that God could never forgive us for many of the sins that we commit. But, thanks be to God, when we repent from sin with "godly sorrow" God has promised not only to wipe the slate clean-but to remember them no more! What a wonderful quality that we need to learn in our forgiveness of others.

Yes, my friends, God is faithful and He will carry out His promises. Those are, indeed, comforting blessings of being a child of God. Let us not have any misunderstanding, God's children can sing loud and long, with all the spirit and understanding, "Standing on the promises of Christ My King, through eternal ages let His praises ring;..." To God be the glory forever, Amen!