The Example of Noah
By Keith Greer

"So Noah, with his sons, his wife, and his sons' wives, went into the ark because of the waters of the flood." {Genesis 7:7} How ungodly was the world in the days of Noah? "Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart." {Genesis 6:5,6}

How difficult would it have been to raise godly children in a world so corrupt? How could Noah and his wife keep them from following the ungodly influences all around them? We know the answers to these questions; although they are not recorded in the Scriptures. They followed the designs of God instead of following a "multitude to do evil." Surely, it must have been difficult, and the odds must have appeared to be overwhelming. Yet, they did prevail and raised three godly sons.

In the days in which we live, as bad as it is, can we say that it is worse than it was in the days of Noah? Yes, man has come up with all sorts of ungodly and immoral behavior. We cannot turn on our radios, watch TV, read the newspapers, read magazines, get on the internet, or step outside in our neighborhoods without someone trying to peddle some form of smut or set an ungodly example before our children. Actions which at one time were "kept quiet and covered," are bragged about and portrayed as normal in the sight of God. No one will say that our children have escaped the onslaught of ungodliness and filth that the world openly practices. Still, can we say that it is impossible to raise godly children in such a world? Some are saying it can no longer be accomplished. Many so-called Christians are joining the ranks and making such statements.

I say that this is nothing more than a self-defeating attitude and lack of trust and faith in God. If we bring our up children "in the training and admonition of the Lord," we can buck the odds! Trouble is we need more parents like Noah and his wife. We want to blame the world when the real problem is parents. Do you have the faith of Noah? Are you living up to your God-given duties as parents? Will you try?