What Kind of Preaching Is Needed?
By Ken Weliever

I raise the above question with great forethought and care, realizing that many are "experts" regarding the type, manner, and method of preaching that is most needed. Nevertheless, we feel obligated to present what the New Testament (what else) teaches regarding preaching.

We need preaching that is based on "the faith." "For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ." {Galatians 1:10} Although it is popular to philosophize and speak about "ideals," the apostles spoke God's truth and not their own whims and fancies. We need preachers who appeal to God's word and base their conclusions on scripture.

We need bold and aggressive preaching. Peter prayed that God would grant him the courage to speak "with all boldness" (Acts 4:29). Paul and Barnabas found it necessary to speak boldly to the Jews in Antioch of Pisidia (Acts 13:46). Today's preachers need to boldly and aggressively declare God's word to men.

We need preaching that is unmistakably clear and intelligible. When Paul preached, he "reasoned" and "proved" his points (Acts 17:2; 18:4). Generalizing and speaking in 16-syllable words was unheard of in Bible times. Some folks won't like it, but preachers in this modern era also need to be clearly understood.

We need preaching that is controversial, meeting error face to face. In the early days, there was a great deal of disputing and debating (Acts 6:9; 9:28; 17:17). Some today would not have liked New Testament preaching even a little bit! The modern cry is: "Don't call names; don't condemn; just preach constructive lessons." The problem is that many are weaklings, afraid to defend the Truth, and worried about losing friends and popularity.

We need preaching that is motivated by love for truth and for the lost souls of men and women (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12). If we really are concerned about the lost, we will cease to "soft-peddle" the gospel, but truly "tell it like it is."

The world needs preaching, and the church needs preaching, but not the kind some of us want. If all preachers would follow the apostolic examples, everyone would get the kind of preaching that is sorely needed.

{Let me just add this: brethren need to DEMAND such preaching and accept nothing less from the men who occupy the pulpits across this land. If this is not the kind of preaching you're getting, and wanting, do something about it. God commands you to do so. -(KMG)