Some Things to Consider in 1999
By Keith Greer

1998 came and went. Whatever we accomplished at Knollwood as a group, or as individuals, is history. Now, we must look forward to the new year and the challenges we face. Do you set goals for yourself? If so, what kind of goals? If you don't, why not? Let's look at some goal suggestions for our 1999 service to God as members of this church (or any body of Christ).

#1. Love for the Brethren. I want to challenge you to make a point of contacting and encouraging weak brethren during each week. Let them know you care and that you're concerned about their spiritual service. {1 Thessalonians 5:12-14; Romans 12:15}

#2. Visiting the Sick. From time to time, we have members who must go into the hospital. Do you visit or call them? Send them a card? Make a point, when one of the members is in the hospital, of contacting him/her ONE time during the stay. What about our shut-ins? Do you ever call or visit with them? Send them a personal note aside from the cards we send in our groups? Challenge yourself to contact them once a month. It will cheer them up and make your relationship closer.{Matthew 25:31-46}

#3. Become acquainted with brethren outside your age group. How many of our younger members talk with the older members? Do we older members ever show willingness to speak to the younger ones? Interact with each other. We can gain from discussions with, and encouragement from, those outside our own age groups. I challenge you to commit yourself to developing a closer relationship with someone who is not in your age group. Try it-you might find that you've been missing something! {James 2:1-5}

#4. Personal Evangelism. When did you last have a Bible study in your home? Just getting together with brethren, and those outside the church, to study the bible. Do you see the urgency of obedience for those you know who are outside of Christ? If each member would set a goal of WINNING ONE SOUL in 1999, what a difference we could make in this community! Do you have someone in mind? Make an earnest effort to follow through with this goal. Surely, in 1999, you can win just one soul for Him. {2 Timothy 2:2; John 1:40-42}

#5. Our Giving. Take a look at our contribution as a group. Look at what you have been giving. Every year, the elders establish a budget. Do you give so that budget can be met, and even exceeded? When is the last time you gave the Lord a raise? Giving is such small part of our service, but it is an important one. Do you seek for ways to increase your giving? Let us, as a congregation, set a goal to improve monthly. To set a budget and surpass it each month. Do you care enough to help so we can do more to spread the gospel to the lost? {2 Corinthians 9:6,7}